Saturday, May 26, 2018

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC18 - Week 21

Welcome to Week 21 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  It's hard to believe that we are on the downhill ride of PINK Month for the RSC.  What have I got to show for it?  Not much.

This week provided an extra bit of sewing time.  Care to see where that fit into the schedule?  Let's take a look at how the week went...

SUNDAY - Road trip with DS1.  I served as back-up on a quest for a new bike.  Silly, really, but he didn't want to go alone.

MONDAY - Basic beginning of the week.  With a bonus!  Tonight is Quilt Guild night.  Local art quilter, Christine Hager-Braun, talked about her creative journey.  A good mix of slides and quilts made for an interesting presentation.

Tonight, I actually had something for Show and Tell:

Bonus points for PINK in the project for the RSC!!!  :o))

TUESDAY - It's Girls Night Out!!  Happy Birthday, Tracy:

Enjoy your Quilted Yarn Bowl:

Hilary was knitting with PINK yarn tonight:

Kim had a bit of PINK on her new bag:

WEDNESDAY - No Knit Group today.  Why?  It was time for my monthly trek to Raleigh for my Quilt Meet-up.

Well... I thought it was!!  Turns out, that's NEXT week.

What's a quilter to do?

First, I worked on one of my Scrap Attack goals:

RSC Quilters will notice the use of the Color of the month!!  :o))


I loaded up the longarm with two of my three Hand2Help quilts and got busy, but ran into a bit of tension troubles:

THURSDAY - Released this week's Wonderful Wednesday post.  Late.  Again!!  :o((

FRIDAY - Boring afternoon, as Needleb is out of town (again!)  No sewing at her house.  Maybe no sewing at all!!  Time will tell.

Yep!  No sewing, no tackling Mt. Washmore, no nothing...

Except spending 2.5 hours waiting to be rescued by Mr. Fix-It.  From the side of the road, no less!!  It's a LONG story, but it involves my car, a gas tank filled on Tuesday, and a fuel gauge that read less when I finished fueling than when I began.  You can probably deduce what happened after that (and 152 miles of travel.)

The dash board MAY have looked like this when DH came to see what was wrong with the car:

OOPS!!!  I haven't done this since my first or second year of college.  Slight error!!!  All's well that ends well, right?

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day over on Angela's So Scrappy blog.  Check out all of the PINK projects that the RSC Quilters have been working on this week.

Until next time...
Get Scrappy!!!


  1. you're so funny. Wish we were in a group together

  2. I agree with LeeAnn; wish we were in a group together. What fun we would have, Ha! ;^)

    1. You are both SEW sweet!! The miles would make regular meetings quite a challenge, though.

  3. No fun with your car - frustrating, I bet! I love that picture of your selvages - what are you making?

    1. The selvages are for one of my Scrap Attack goals. Photos next week or the week after. (I'm SEW slow!)

  4. Love your selvage project and your quilted bowl. Sorry about your car misadventure.

  5. Oh, no! You're right, that's the kind of car error we make back in our school days. Glad you were able to be rescued easily and no fabric was harmed in the event :)

    1. No, the damaged fabric was at home. In stitches. The kind that must be ripped out, unfortunately! Undiagnosed tension trouble when quilting my H2H quilts. :o((


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