2024 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge

Welcome to the information page for the 2024 ABC (Table) SCRAPS Challenge here at The Joyful Quilter!!  Do YOU have fabric scraps coming out their ears?  Not literally, mind you, but if you are like me - There are fabrics scraps EVERYWHERE!!!  I will to continue to challenge myself to make a little something with them each month.  It's SEW much fun!

Would YOU like to join the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge, too???

No sign-ups are necessary.  Stop by for monthly link-ups on the LAST Friday of every month to see what I have created.  It will be open to share your creations, too!  The Link Party will close the following WEDNESDAY (unless posted otherwise.)

The RULES...

1.  For 2024, I will be offering a MONTHLY THEME to help inspire/inform your work.  I will give you each month's prompt at the end of the previous month's LINK PARTY post.  (January 2024's prompt is listed in December 2023's TABLE SCRAPS post HERE and I will also update the list below so that you can just check back, if you miss a link-up.)

2.  We will continue WORKING WITH SCRAPS from our cutting table (hence the name of the challenge.)

3.  Your ENTRIES MAY INCLUDE small items such as basket, bags, pillows, and pin cushions, in addition to runners, toppers, and mug rugs.  For the purposes of the 2024 Challenge, you are perfectly welcome to make ANY size project you would like.  If you want to make a queen sized quilt each month... Go for it!!

4.  While Angela offers color suggestions through her Rainbow Scrap Challenge, you are always welcome to sew with whatever scraps you choose.

May's theme:    KENTUCKY DERBY

Important Note for Non-bloggers...

Non-bloggers are welcome to email a photo of their entries to share here on The Joyful Quilter and Instagram users can link to @thejoyfulquilter using the tag #tablescrapschallenge2024 and #tablescrapschallenge when posting participating projects.

What qualifies???

Any quilted item you would like to make.  Surprise us!  You are encouraged to use each month's theme in whatever form they lead. Your interpretation of what to do with it is NOT limited to using the actual prompt in your project!  Although, you are welcome to do that, you may also relate the theme to a color, quilting technique or project type.  Interpreting an item that resembles the prompt is appropriate for a challenge entry, as well.  (Example BOWs = Bow Tie blocks, fabric with bows on it, or depicting an archer, etc.)

NOTE:  The most important part is to have FUN while using your fabric scraps from your cutting table!!

The 2024 TABLE SCRAPS Link Party...

Monthly Link Party  / Monthly Theme / RSC Color of the Month

JANUARY 2024 / SNOWFLAKES / Dark and/or Bright GREEN



SEPTEMBER 2024 / LEAF / DARK and/or Black

OCTOBER 2024 / CAT / LIGHT and/or Brown



I will fill in the themes and Color of the Month as they are released. Reference here or near the end of the prior month's Link Party post for the current prompt.  (Please drop me an email if I've forgotten to add the current link.)

Go forth and USE those (table) scraps!!

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