Saturday, June 22, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 25

Welcome to Week 25 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week I'm REALLY hoping to get my post release in a timely fashion.  No promises, though.  I'm also hoping to share some BLUE sewing, too.  Did that happen???

Read on to find out...

SUNDAY - This week began with my usual Weekly Morning Art Zoom.  It was Roll the Dice day with the following prompts:  favorite tool, pencil marks, map, dots, and orange...

Another roll presented the following prompts...

Black, tissue or napkin, favorite color, make marks, colored pencil:

After lunch Knittingsuek and I got together for our weekly Zoom call:

Once dinner was done, I took a FREE ombre acrylic Poppy painting class:

I used the excess paint for the "ellipse" ICAD prompt shown in the 2nd photo below:

MONDAY - Work was preceded by a bit of art.  I added another layer to my Mini Muse Maker journal spread.  I adapted the instructions from a FREE class with @delightrogers_art:

After work, I stopped by home (and Britt's house) before heading to my Monthly Quilt Guild meeting.  Alas, car trouble sent me back to my house instead.  I watched our speaker Kena Dorsey's presentation about Using African Fabrics in Quilts on my computer:

My favorite was this self-portrait pairing African fabrics with solid fabrics:

TUESDAY - I was off work today.  You KNOW what that means, don't you?

Yep.  A little bit of art was followed by errands and appointments.  I added more watercolor marks to the CREATIVITY card below:

Fortunately, I got home with the groceries before these guys rolled in...

And blocked our driveway while delivering two loads of wallboard:

Since I was "trapped" at home, I work on the first layer of my "Impasto" Poppy painting.  Can you see all the texture?  The photo below shows how it looked at the end of the night:

WEDNESDAY - Day two of my mid-week weekend.

I'm not sure what kept me busy during the morning hours, but after lunch I met with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color for our weekly Zoom session:

THURSDAY - Work...

Beforehand, I added some details to my latest Poppy painting.  One more layer of paint is needed to fill in those stems:

I was excited to get off work early enough to attend Traci's Winging It hangout on Get Messy:

I went a different direction with the idea that she presented and came up with the following page...

And worked on watercolor elements from Kristi Nazarro's lesson from Tuesday for an idea I found to implement Traci's pocket element missing from the photo above:


Was preceded by the addition of a sew details to the ICAD cards shown below, Ranunculus and Beach:

After dinner, I enjoyed hanging out with my Get Messy art friends during my Weekly Evening Art Zoom.  I worked on a few random things, but don't have photos to share.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will visit Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I was actually EARLY to the party to join the link-up.

Were you wondering about my scrappy sewing last week???

I only shared snippets, but here are the first two items completed for a swap.  Mug Rugs made with my Bag Of Joy (BOJ) scraps from Francine:

Thanks, Francine!

The other items will be shared next Friday for the June 2024 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge.  Have you started your WATERMELON and/or BLUE project yet???  The Link Party goes LIVE on Friday, June 28th at 12:01 AM and will remain open until Wednesday, July 3rd at 11:59 PM.  There's still PLENTY of time to start and maybe even finish an entry, if you would like to participate.

Until next time...


  1. So many interesting art lessons available online these days. The poppy paintings are really pretty. LeeAnna and I managed a short Zoom call last week too. It had been too long since our last one.

  2. You have the best time with your art supplies! I always enjoy reading about what you did and seeing the results!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  3. Starting my TSC….I unearthed a bit of watermelon!

  4. Those poppies are really neat with all that texture! Fun mug rugs, too. Yes, I was just working on this month's Table Scraps project - that's often my favorite part of the month!

  5. Your weeks are always busy, aren't they? And I'm sorry to see you're still dealing with construction vehicles in your neighborhood. Do you expect that to continue for much longer? It's nice to see your paint and color explorations. I hope you continue to keep up with the challenging pace of your life!


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