Tuesday, June 18, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 24

Welcome to Week 24 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and the latest edition of Tidy Up Tuesday!!  This week was filled to the brim with activities and artwork.  BLUE sewing???  Obviously, busy enough that I didn't get my post written in a timely fashion.

Keep reading to find out...

SUNDAY - This week began with my usual Weekly Morning Art Zoom.  I worked on entries for the Index Card a Day challenge...

Lavender and Waves shown above.  Potpourri and Orange, below.

After lunch, I enjoyed a visit with Knittingsuek:

MONDAY - Work was preceded by a bit of art.  I started the journal page last night and added a few more details this morning.  Other members of the Curiosity Collective will be working on theirs before I get home this afternoon:

TUESDAY - Work was scheduled for today, but I took time to watch the latest class from Get Messy and decided that this quote was what I wanted for my journal page:

After work, I was off to the doctor to see if he can figure out why I'm coughing...  Again.

What did he say, Joyful???

(Apparently...)  There's nothing wrong.  Grr!  Just like when you take a car to the mechanic and it won't make the noise it's been making... I didn't cough ONCE during the entire appointment.  Sigh...  I'm guessing this means that it's just my reflux going through the roof and I'll have to be more careful about what I'm eating, so as not to aggravate it further.


My computer start page had me thinking of the RSC Quilters with this clear BLUE water:

After work, I raced home for my weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

THURSDAY - Today was the start of my 4-day weekend!!!  :o))

What a treat it was to visit with the lovely ladies of my (Weekly) Morning Quilt Bee:

After errands and some lunch, I dove into the Watercolor Mastery class series with Emily Olson that I signed  up for earlier this month.  I mixed up my own pinks for the flower painting below:

FRIDAY - I was super excited to attend Knit Group...

But first I did a bit of BLUE binding:

Once that was done, I headed out to meet Tracy at our favorite coffee shop, as the rest of the group members were busy with summer plans (or sleeping late) instead of knitting:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you visited Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  I was focused on making headway on this month's donation project and only managed to copy her link for my post... You know the one?  The post that I was too busy to release.

Here is some BLUE scrap sewing that I hope will make up for neglecting to link up earlier:

This afternoon I had an art Zoom with Claudette @thecreativeflourish making affirmation cards.  I repeated the process on my journal page shown in the top left of the photo below:

Turquoise/teal are shades of BLUE, right?  See!  I was thinking of my RSC Quilter friends (even if I have been hit or miss in visiting everyone's posts lately.)  Time is a limited resource and I've been spending more of mine on art this month.  Never fear... I'm still quilting!  Just not quite so much as I used to.

Note to my regular readers...

My apologies to those of you who missed my post over the weekend.  Thank you to those of you who wrote to check up on me!  I'm doing ok.  My back is MUCH better!  Although, not quite 100%, but my pain level is down at the lower end of the scale and most often residing at a dull ache, as opposed to the level 10 that it had been.

Until next time...


  1. So glad to hear you are ok and just too busy having fun arting!

  2. Glad to see a post from you today, Joy! I'm looking forward to seeing what you're doing with those blue strips. I'm sorry about that unhelpful trip to the doctor, though. I struggle with acid reflux, too, and it does cause a cough. A Pepcid once a day seems to help that, maybe it would help you?

  3. Glad to hear your back pain is finally easing up some.

  4. So nice to hear the back pain has subsided some. Now you just need to get rid of that cough! I love those watercolors pink flowers. ~Jeanne

  5. You are doing icad this year?! I will try to join next year. Lovely cards and journal pages, really like your watercolor. Hope you feel better soon.



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