Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The 100 Day Project - #100Days100ThingsDecluttered - Week 12

Welcome to Week 12 of the #100Days100ThingsDecluttered new mini-series here on The Joyful Quilter!!  I started The 100 Day Project on February 18th.  I'm still shocked that I finally committed to it.  It's particularly popular on Instagram.  I have been hesitant to participate before now.  I'm releasing weekly updates for those of you who might be interested in seeing what goes out the door.

What's your project, again, Joyful???

I signed up with a different idea in mind than most.  You can read about it HERE.  That link will tell you all about my project.

While I have exceeded my goal...

I'm still NOT stopping!!  I am continuing to declutter my home and studio for the entirety of the 100 Day Project.  I really want to free up MORE space for more creativity.

In case you missed the news last week...


Here's my progress for Week Twelve from all around the house, studio and garage:

25 balls of yarn gifted

  1 trash bag
28 balls of yarn donated
  1 handful of yarn scraps
  1 knitting project bag
  1 baby blanket
  1 (more) gift bag
  1 pair glasses
  1 pillowcase bag

Week 12 Total:  60/100

Updated Project Total:  360/100

Thank you to those of you who continue to encourage my weekly decluttering efforts!  I appreciate your kind comments and your willingness to cheer me along!  Sara @ My Sewing Room blog left the following comment:

Well done!! I think week #11 was a success - for both of us. I'm at 286 items right now. This week I'm going through a couple of more crates of books we have no interest in keeping. I'm having fun lightening the load around here.

To which I replied:

Sweet!! Way to go, Sara! I'm glad to hear that you're having fun with decluttering. I can't say I am, but I am pleased with my progress.

Please know that...

I will continue decluttering through the end of the 100 Day Challenge.  My goal for the past week was to focus on the studio.  While it doesn't sound like it, I'm calling the week a success because the majority of the items listed came from there.  Come back next week to see what goes in the box during the next 7 days. 


You can follow me on Instagram @thejoyfulquilter.

Until next time...
Do the 100 Day Project!!!


  1. Over 50 balls of yarn cleared out is fantastic! That has to be a good sized box gone. Way to go!!!

  2. That's fantastic, Joy! I am not doing it as regularly like you. I have been also putting things in boxes for donation and I hope that they will bring joy to someone else.



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