Saturday, September 23, 2023

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC23 - Week 38

Welcome to Week 38 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week was SEW much better than last week.  Your well wishes SEW appreciated!  The road construction continues and DS2's car has yet to be replaced, but the loaner is still frilling the void, the construction crew is quick to move heavy equipment when I need to leave the house, and nothing else died this week!

Here's how the days passed...

SUNDAY - I opened up the new art supplies that my "personal shopper" bought on a recent trip to Jerry's Artarama:

Thanks, Britt!!

They might be useful during this today's Easy Like a Sunday Morning hangout with my Get Messy art friends where I shared my final entry for the Rolodex Challenge made last night...

After lunch, I decided that it was time to get a start on my AQUA/teal/turquoise entry for this month's ABC (Table) SCRAPS Challenge.  Some UN-sewing may have been involved:

Then came Zooming with Knittingsuek:

MONDAY - Work, but before I left...

I finally reset the gallery wire for September's Color of the Month thanks to Dorothy @ Dorothy and the Land of Quilts.  Your reminder was much needed!  It wasn't that YOU missed the photo, it was that I had neglected to make the quilt swap:

After work I had an errand to run.  A bag of scraps needed rescuing...

On the way to Quilt Guild.  Tonight's speaker was Linda Hahn @ Frog Hollow Designs.  She delivered a lecture and slide show about her New York Beauty quilt books:

TUESDAY - Work...

Once this guy move out of my way:

Oh!  Oh!  Oh!  Can YOU guess who won the beige Fat Quarter drawing at the September Quilt Guild meeting last night???

Did you guess ME?  That's right, it WAS me!  I took the yard of fabric on the right and brought home the bag on the left:

Thank you to everyone who contributed and to whoever drew my name as the winner.  Have a look at all the lovely fabrics - and check out the pretty bag that I can use in my art journaling:

WEDNESDAY - Wonderful Wednesday

Be sure to click on the above link, if you haven't seen where all of my AQUA/teal/turquoise fabric scraps disappeared to!

It's a lucky thing that today was my day off because I would have had a hard time getting over the trench the workers in the photo below were digging from one side of the street to the other:

Later, I looked out to find a road grader IN OUR DRIVEWAY in front of MY side of the garage:

As if that wasn't enough...

During my weekly Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color this afternoon, the studio started shaking because of the compactor and steam roller out in the road:


Here is the mountain (log) cabin that I shared at Quilt Guild on Monday in September's Rainbow Scrap Challenge Color of the Month.  This improv block was made a week or so ago with the few AQUA/teal/turquoise scraps remaining in my basket, but I didn't want to share it until I had presented it to the membership:

I guess it's time to get busy designing my entry for the DOQ Neighborhood Challenge!

FRIDAY - Knit Group before work:

And afterwards, thanks to Mari @ The Academic Quilter, I arrived to find a happy mailbox:

Watch for details next Monday.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I'm hoping that you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  The technical difficulties she experienced earlier have been resolved and I have join, but will visit all the links when I finish this project:

Until next time...


  1. What a sweet little beige collection you won. OK - that little mountain log cabin is so cute!! Are you doing a whole neighborhood of them in different colors?

  2. Hoping your construction zone will some be a completed zone. Isn’t life grand ? Throwing us obstacles and then giving us rewards. Happy mail is fun to receive, scraps need to be rescued and someone has to win the FQ Bag! Might as well be you!looking forward to your ABC TableScraps entry! Mine is advancing. Have a Happy Aqua-filled week!

  3. Happy mail, winning at guild, and sewing on some table scraps - that sounds like a good week! I'm glad the workers move their trucks for you to get out, but shaking the studio doesn't sound fun... :)

  4. I am thinking the signs are there for you to stay home - goodness!!
    Love your teal house - too cute!! and squishy mail.... hmmm the fun !!!

  5. Sounds like it was week with mostly good surprises and few bad ones. Happy creating this weekend.

  6. Busy week! Now I need to go back and read about last week's adventures.

  7. Lucky old you winning the fabric raffle!

  8. what did you get from Mari??

  9. Wonderful week of fun, work and creativity. Love that teal log cabin house!

  10. Nice week! I just printed off a foundation paper pattern for the NY Beauty block--I love the way they look!!!

  11. I fell way behind on my blog reading this week, so I'm just catching up on your last 3 posts. My, what a lot of surprises, not all happy ones. I hope things improve soon and that pesky road work is completed. good thing no one has needed any emergency vehicles while this nonsense is going on. I love the little teal house block. Sew cute, as you would say.

  12. The display of little quilts is really nice. Love the mountain cabin block, was it paper pieced?


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