Friday, August 30, 2024

August 2024 - TABLE SCRAPS Challenge - Link Party

Welcome to the August 2024 edition of the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge here at the Joyful Quilter!!  I'll start with a little backstory, in case you are new here.  (Apologies to my regular readers since you already know all about it.) I'm a scrap quilter who had been setting up individual challenges for several years in conjunction with Angela's (RSC) Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ So Scrappy.  Participants from around the corner, across the country and around the world have been having SEW much fun and we all have MORE scraps to use, so I am pleased to offer the...

In 2024, we have a broad range of quilted items that are appropriate for linking to the Challenge.  Baskets and bins, along with pillows and pin cushions, are all qualifying projects.  Not just the toppers, runners, and mug rugs.  Basically, ANY small quilted item qualifies.  The main premise is that you USE the (new or old) SCRAPS from your cutting table (or your friend's cutting table - since that's where the majority of my scraps come from!)

There will be a prompt each month to help get your creative juices flowing.  While you are NOT required to use it in your project, the guiding word will be revealed at the end of each month's LINK PARTY post.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the following month's focus.  It, along with the RSC Color of the Month (as soon as Angela releases it - around the 1st of the month.) will also be added to the 2024 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge page at the top of the blog.

The theme for August was...


I have a plan in place...

And was thrilled when Angela announced that the Color of the Month was ORANGE.

That could be a problem, as the basket hasn't much to offer...

I pulled what I could find...

And began sewing:

You might have noticed a sneak preview a week or so ago while I was Zooming with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color...

But I managed a bit more progress earlier this week:

The next step was assembling sections...

And soon enough...

I was ready to quilt the top that had taken shape:

Where's the BASKET in that mess of piecing, Joyful???

Here it is...

Although, it probably COULD have been a BIT smaller:

The offcuts in forming the basket were used to make the accompanying pin cushion:

I believe ORANGE is the final color to be added to my Scrap Center.  The Quilted Scrap Basket will soon join its friends.  AFTER the Quilt Retreat that I'm attending over this long weekend!  I'm pleased to complete my set for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  Have you enjoyed your own TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry this month?  I hope SEW!!!

What's next, Joyful???

The new month will begin in short order.  Angela hasn't yet made an announcement.  I expect that she will reveal the Color of the Month for September in tomorrow's posts.  Wait for it.  Wait for it!!  And the winner is...

(Whatever your definition of that is.)

September's theme is:


And now...

It's time for YOU to link up your ORANGE and/or BASKET project in the LINK PARTY below.  All entries MUST be submitted by Wednesday, September 4th @ 11:59PM (EDT).

Until next time...
USE those table scraps!!!

Sharing with Alycia


With Cynthia

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tidy Up Tuesday - A Summer 2024 UFO Club Finish

Welcome to another edition of Tidy Up Tuesday!!  I'm here to share my first UFO finish of the quarter.  It's been a pleasure to make a young man's quilt dreams come true.

If you're on Ravelry you may have already seen it...

This special quilt for a special young man revolves around the following sweatshirt...

... Which was donated to the cause by his mother.  It belonged to her, but she appreciated the fact that he wasn't interested in parting with any of his new shirts as he headed off to campus.

The accompanying shirts...

Shown below in a throw-sized setting, just to see what I had to work with:


The rearranging began to transform the throw into an XL Twin bed quilt layout.  It took several iterations before I was happy enough to send this photo for recipient approval:

The same thing happened with the addition of the sashing and cornerstones.  Those strips and squares got moved around until things fell into place:

Once recipient approval was received, the columns were sewn...

Pairs were joined...


Sections were assembled:

Here is the completed quilt top:

Special thanks to @britt_quilts for the use of her longarm quilting machine and the help loading the quilt components.  Your machine make that process super scary to me!  Quilt a little, lunch a little...

Quilt a little, art a little and at the end of the day...

It was the first quilting marathon that I've had in many months, but the quilting was DONE:

Only a few steps left!!!

The squaring up is complete...

Attaching the binding...

Complete with a game of "Binding Chicken", but I won with 12 inches to spare:

Finishing the edges - Look!  There's even a scrap of ORANGE shirt making up one of the cornerstones:

Here is the porch swing photo:

The Work Man T-Quilt was c
ompleted August 7, 2024 - nearly 10 DAYS prior to Move-In Day.  Whew!!  That was a bit too close for comfort, but thanks to Britt's assist, I got it done.

If any of this looks familiar...

You might have seen a few highlights in a recent RSC post.  My apologies, but I felt the quilt needed a post of its own.

Until next time...
Mark another UFO off the list!!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Guest Blogger(s) - Vol. 56 - Jane & a Basket Full of Oranges

Welcome to another edition of The Guest Blogger(s)!!  I heard from Jane in Australia a few days ago.  She has completed her entry for the August TABLE SCRAPS Challenge.

Here is what she had to say about it...

Hello Joy,
Hope you are well. I enjoyed the challenge this month for two reasons.
First I have always loved the little appliqué baskets, had a thought or two about doing lots for a quilt.
Second we have a new lady at our group who didn’t know quilt-as-you-go so I used the placemat to demonstrate the technique for her.

I think my attempt at needle turn appliqué for the basket was not stellar, it’s rather uneven and has a pointy bit on the base. Of course if I set out to do 50 or 500 one would think the repetition would improve skills, “practice makes perfect”, and with lots to look at one would not be concentrating on each little bit of one basket! Maybe a different type of appliqué could be the way to go too.
Thanks for the challenge Joy, and once again thanks for posting for me.
Jane in Australia.

I replied:

I think it looks amazing, Jane! Your placemat has good contrast, it's got great detailing, and who doesn't love a good polka dot?! Thanks for taking the time to participate in this month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge. I love the fact that you made it well demonstrating techniques to another quilter and it's always my pleasure to post your work.

Happy quilting!

Give Jane some quilty love in the comments below.  I'm SEW happy to share her donation placemat entry with all of you.  I know that you enjoy seeing her work as much as I do!  Thank you for sending the photos for the blog, Jane.  It's a pleasure to be able to post your projects (and anyone else's without a blog.)  You are an inspiration to quilters around the globe who are always looking for ways to USE the scraps from our cutting tables!

Link Party REMINDER...

The August 2024 TABLE SCRAPS Link Party will be opening on  Friday, August 30th @ 12:01 AM.  Will YOU be joining in the scrappy fun?  There's still time to make something, even if you haven't started sewing yet!  Small projects are quick and entries can be added until Wednesday, September 4th @ 11:59 PM (EDT).

Until next time...
USE those (table) SCRAPS!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 34

Welcome to Week 34 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week will be filled with work and finishing a gift quilt.  That may or may not leave enough time to fit in any ORANGE scrap sewing.

Let's see how the week progressed...

SUNDAY - The week began with a bit of ORANGE art with my friends from Get Messy:

Britt and I stayed after our Weekly Morning Art Zoom to chat for a few minutes:

When lunch was done, I was back on the computer for my Weekly Zoom with Knittingsuek...

As we talked, I worked on binding the quilt I mentioned at the beginning of this post:

Please note that I did NOT make this quilt!!

Our call ended just in time to attend the Ephemera Packing Party for the August Swap at Get Messy:

There are a few orange papers hidden in the stack, but you can plainly see the washi tape on top.


Afterwards, I was off to my Monthly Quilt Guild meeting, but...

Perhaps we should call this MISTAKE Monday:

The keys were inside the car and that's my reflection outside the car.
Yes.  The doors ARE locked!  Why do you ask???  Sigh...


Once I arrived at last night's meeting, I put in another two needles full of thread into the gift quilt's binding:

Again, I did NOT make this quilt!!!

My friend Karen won one of the FOUR door prizes from last night's speaker...

She wasn't interested in the topic and gave the book to me.  Thank you, Karen!!!

Britt brought a journal for me and some new paper to try.  Thanks, B!!!

Laura returned the sewing machine she borrowed and brought yarn for the knitters.
Thanks, Laura!  The ladies are going to be thrilled.

WEDNESDAY - Today was the beginning of my "mid-week weekend" so I got a slow start before heading out to do just one errand.  Once that was done I headed home to for a quick lunch and a short Zoom with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color.  Since we cut it short, we decided to try again over the weekend:

Later, I worked on finishing the NAPKIN prompt for Art Journal August:

THURSDAY - (Weekly) Quilt Group met this morning.  I was able to be there among the following members in attendance:

A couple of errands followed and I made it home in time to join the Paper and Pieces hangout with my Get Messy friends.  This is what I made in my very first visit with them:

FRIDAY - Work...

Was preceded by Knit Group.  I saw the following happening at the construction site next door as I was leaving for the day:

The rafters are being added to House #7, House #6 waiting for the shingles to be added beyond.
The knitters met at Lou's Bakery this morning.  There were 5 knitters in attendance today:

After work, I rested before dinner and attended my Weekly Evening Art Zoom when the meal was done.  I left a little bit early, as there were voices coming down the hall to the studio.  I worked on the Episode #9 prompt for Art Journal August:

There were a few more steps to complete the spread, but DS1 and his girlfriend showed up for a visit.  I could (should?) have predicted it with the nice weather we've been having!  They took me right out to the driveway to see his "new-to-him" car and take it for a test drive.  It is quite lovely (and I might be just a little bit jealous!)

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.

Knittingsuek was kind enough to fit in a Zoom call early this afternoon since I won't be available during our regular time tomorrow:

Later, I was pleased to have another chance at Zooming with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

Once our time ran out, I was able to focus on finishing up this post and another that will go live in a day or two.  Bonus points:  Between the two Zoom calls, I was able to do more ORANGE scrap sewing.

Until next time...

Saturday, August 17, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 33

Welcome to Week 33 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  I'm hoping that this week will provide some ORANGE scrap sewing time.  Will that happen?  That remains to be seen.

Read on to find out...

SUNDAY - I started my day with Get Messy Art friends while working on the Page Extension prompt from ShanoukiArt for Art Journal August:

After lunch, I enjoyed my weekly Zoom call with Knittingsuek:

MONDAY - Work...

Was followed by a quilt journal page for Art Journal August by @ShanoukiArt on YouTube:


... Progress on House #6:

WEDNESDAY - It's the beginning of this week's "mid-week weekend" and I made plans to meet Tracy for knitting at our favorite coffee shop:

After a quick errand and an even quicker lunch, I went upstairs for an early Zoom call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color:

With several hours of free time before me, I took our my ORANGE scraps and began to sew:

THURSDAY - (Weekly) Quilt Group with the following members in attendance:

Candy came bearing a scrap bag to add to my collection:

Dee Dee brought a selection of fabrics to share and I came away with these fun flamingo prints:

Ignore the window reflections, we're not that spotty!

Gayle was thrilled to receive the pillow topper that I made for last month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge...

... And found that she had the perfect pillow form for it in her studio:

After running errands and lunch, I attended the Winging It hangout with my Get Messy Art friends:

Afterwards, I decided that I had enough time to take in the day's lesson from Mona Stamm and created this journal page for the Season of Pattern based on her techniques:


Knit Group didn't happen this morning.  A very good thing, as I was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night.  Since I was awake, I decided to attend the Get Messy class called Mona and the Season of Pattern.  Staying for the entire class wasn't in the cards, but I stayed long enough to the finish the following journal page:

A few details were added once I woke up (again) and was ready for work.

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.

What about YOU, Joyful??

This is the sum total of ORANGE sewing I did this week:

Have YOU found time for some ORANGE scrap sewing???

If not, there is still TWO WEEKS before the August TABLE SCRAPS Challenge Link Party opens.  The theme is BASKET(S) this month.  I'm looking forward to seeing all the ways participants will interpret the prompt.

Until next time...