Saturday, July 20, 2024

ScrapHappy Saturday - RSC24 - Week 29

WARNING:  Photo Heavy Post

Welcome to Week 29 of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!  This week (and for the following two weeks) I have one less day to play.  Will I get any AQUA scrap sewing done?

Let's take a look...

SUNDAY - The day began with my Weekly Art Zoom.  It's always fun to spend some time with my Get Messy friends!  If memory serves me correctly, I worked on these two prompts for the Index Card a Day challenge.  They are BALANCE and FOREST GREEN:

A quick Zoom with Knittingsuek...

Was followed by Casey and the Season of Calm with @expressyourartsysoul.  I was inspired to make the following journal page - which resembled her lesson not in the least:

Once the class was over, I took in a Brush Lettering class with Sara @ Juicy S Art.  She was one of the instructors for the weekend's Make Create Express Taster Sessions.  I used a paint brush for the first two words, my ink dropper for the second two words, and the very tip of my brush with very little pressure on the last three words, as well as for the all caps CALM:

After dinner, I co-hosted the Collage Club on Get Messy.  Tonight I worked ahead on Junk Journal July.  I chose Day 16 - PETAL because I needed some easy cut and paste for this Zoom hangout:


Was followed by dinner with Britt at one of our favorite places.  She was on her way home from a Quilt Show meeting and I was on my way to this month's Quilt Guild meeting:


Before heading out, I watched the Jumbo Paper Bag Journal video for yesterday's for Junk Journal July.  The prompt was HOMEMADE and I added a mini journal to my page:


I raced home afterward in an attempt to be on time for my Weekly Zoom Call with LeeAnna @ Not Afraid of Color.  Today, we were both sporting AQUA.  As you may know, it's July's Color of the Month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge:

THURSDAY - While I wanted to go to my Weekly Quilt Group, I decided that I needed to stay close to home.  My current commission quilt kept me busy and I put in a little work on my entry for this month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge coming up next week:

I took a break from the quilt work to dispose of my paint water.  On the way back inside, I noticed the plant shown below.  Any guesses as to what it might be?  It has a lavender star-shaped flower and interestingly shaped leaves.  I'm guessing it's a weed, but I really have no idea:

With clean paint water at the ready, I joined the Winging It hangout on Get Messy.  It turned out that I wasn't feeling flowery this day:

Once my journal page was done, I worked on adding binding to the project shown below:

It rained during the hangout and when I left for my evening walk after dinner, I spotted a rainbow up in the sky.  The camera doesn't do it justice, but the photo below gives you a look at my roses, the reseeded lawn, our new driveway, and off in the distance, you can see lots being cleared for the next phase of construction.  They will be adding three or four more houses in the near future, while the finishing work begins on the first phase:

I stayed up WAY past my bedtime tonight!  Why?  Because the Get Messy teachers are choosing their own times for the live Zoom classes this season.  Mits lives in Japan so her class was on Friday morning in her time zone, but 11 PM here.  I worked on the following journal page and this time I actually stuck to the theme of the lesson, which was a document-your-days style of journaling:

FRIDAY - Knit Group found me visiting with these friends...

... Before running a few errands on my way home.  Once finished with lunch, I decided to take in Casey's lesson on creating a "Calming Scene" which I missed earlier in the week.  Still not feeling flowery, I created the following mountain scene:

SATURDAY - It's LINK PARTY day for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I hope you will join me in visiting Angela @ So Scrappy to see what the RSC Quilters have been up to this week.  As you saw, I worked with these fabrics:

I was late linking up for a number of reasons...

First, I hadn't done much to fill in my post outline this week.  Next, I had laundry to do and another task to complete on my commission quilt.  Lastly, I joined Britt for an impromptu Art Zoom:

Soon enough, it was time to put on yet another load of laundry and make dinner.  Eventually, my post was finished and released.  Hoping none of you readers were overly concerned (since this is becoming a bit of a habit.)

Until next time...


  1. Ooh, there are those pretty butterflies again! Looking forward to seeing what you use them for. Your aqua nails are pretty, too!

  2. Another busy week for you as usual.
    That's a horse nettle plant. A native plant, but it will turn to thuggish ways given a chance. As much as I like a native plant, I'd put on gloves and pull it now. Hold it close to the ground as it has thorns on the stem and small ones along the center vein under the leaves. Don't be surprised to see it pop up elsewhere as it also spreads by underground runners.

  3. Just popping by to agree with Gail - that’s a nettle. Use gloves and pull it early unless you want it everywhere. 🙂

  4. Yup that plant is Carolina Horsenettle. It is poisonous to people and animals; the berries, if any, are the worst. Hope it's gone by now! Love the rainbow. Looks like your neighborhood is still growing. ~Jeanne

  5. Oh, the aqua in this post is delightful as is all the wonderful art you created...I love the fingernails!

  6. Love the butterfly fabric for the border! Busy week for you. I guess I better figure out my challenge piece and get it done before I fly away for a week Wednesday. Hope this week is as creative as last.

  7. You always fit in such fun creativity into an already busy week. What a lovely view on your evening walk.

  8. So much lovely art fun and around the world too! The brush lettering looks excellent!!



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