Friday, June 28, 2024

June 2024 - TABLE SCRAPS Challenge - Link Party

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge here at the Joyful Quilter!!  I'll start with a little backstory, in case you are new here.  (Apologies to my regular readers since you already know all about it.) I'm a scrap quilter who had been setting up individual challenges for several years in conjunction with Angela's (RSC) Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ So Scrappy.  Participants from around the corner, across the country and around the world have been having SEW much fun and we all have MORE scraps to use, so I am pleased to offer the...

In 2024, we have a broad range of quilted items that are appropriate for linking to the Challenge.  Baskets and bins, along with pillows and pin cushions, are all qualifying projects.  Not just the toppers, runners, and mug rugs.  Basically, ANY small quilted item qualifies.  The main premise is that you USE the (new or old) SCRAPS from your cutting table (or your friend's cutting table - since that's where the majority of my scraps come from!)

There will be a prompt each month to help get your creative juices flowing.  While you are NOT required to use it in your project, the guiding word will be revealed at the end of each month's LINK PARTY post.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the following month's focus.  It, along with the RSC Color of the Month (as soon as Angela releases it - around the 1st of the month.) will also be added to the 2024 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge page at the top of the blog.

The theme for June was...


I really THOUGHT that I knew where I was going with that, but...

The Color of the Month was BLUE and when I rummaged through that basket to see if I could find what I was looking for, I came up with a bunch of scraps, but not the ones I was hoping to find:

It was time to pivot...

Enter Francine's recent (gifted scrap) Bag of Joy with this wonderful array of BLUE scraps, conveniently sewn into the strip set shown below:

My entry was ready for quilting with the addition of batting and backing:

I went minimal with the quilting this time:

The next step was cutting the table runner sized piece into placemats...

I was pleased to get three out of the panel:

The first one finished, shown on the porch swing:

Next, I found some some WATERMELON solid to bind another...

And then there were TWO:

When I didn't think I would have time to finish another, I pushed myself a little harder...

Suddenly, there were THREE:

I enjoyed combining Francine's leftovers with this month's TABLE SCRAPS Challenge to make these three placemats for our guild's Meals-On-Wheels contribution.  Watermelon was a fun challenge for me.  It's not just a fruit, but a color, as well:

What's next, Joyful???

A new month begins the day after tomorrow.  Angela announced the Color of the Month for July on her Rainbow Scrap Challenge post the morning after the Link Party went live.  It's a cool color for a hot month:


July's theme is:


And now...

It's time for YOU to link up your BLUE and/or WATERMELON project in the LINK PARTY below.  All entries MUST be submitted by Wednesday, July 3rd @ 11:59PM (EDT).

Until next time...
USE those table scraps!!!

Sharing with Alycia


  1. You found the perfect thing in that scrap bag for June! I like how those placemats turned out, especially with each one having a different binding. The watermelon binding makes a fun contrast with the blue strips! Thanks for hosting, Joy!

  2. The watermelon binding is my favorite of the 3 and looks great with the blue. Butterflies should be a fun theme for July. I'm kind of hoping for orange for the color, but guess I'll have to be patient until tomorrow. LOL

  3. Fabulous job, Joy. I can feel the "if I only push myself a little harder" tugging at your heartstrings. You did great getting them done. I chuckle, as I was in the very same situation last night...and today feels better for it.


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