Monday, February 26, 2024

Mail Call Monday - An Influx of Art Supplies

Welcome to another edition of Mail Call Monday!!  I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago.  Unfortunately, the Mondays have been rather sneaky and passed by like a flash.  I have FINALLY caught this one!

What's this about, Joyful???

It's about dear, sweet (and exceptionally generous) Quilt Diva Julie.

She emailed saying...

I have some Dylusions sprays and Daler Rowney acrylic inks that I am not going to use.  Would you like them?

And did you ever get your Stabilo Woodies?  I ended up with an extra set (gifted).

Happy to send them along if you can use/enjoy them!


To which I replied...

Absolutely! Thanks for thinking of me, Julie. What can I send you in return?

I did get a small set of Stabilo Woodies. Britt decided the marks were too bold for her tastes. That being said, I do know a budding young artist who would enjoy that set of Woodies, if you don't want to save them for future use.

Thank you, again!

About a week later...

This box of goodies arrived from Julie:

Upon further inspection, I realized the box was packed full of more than I anticipated:

I sent the following note...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Julie!!! Your box arrived and it took my breath away. I'm amazed by your generosity and appreciate the fun you've afforded me with your gifted supplies!

The title of my email was Christmas On Steroids!!!  LOL!! That's what it felt like to me, as there is minimal gift-giving in our house during the holidays.  Thank you, again, Julie!

The timing was interesting because...

I had gone on a little ARTventure that day.  More on that later.

Until next time...
I'll be playing with paint and paper!!!


  1. Oh my - what a fun box of goodies!! My granddaughter has requested some new art supplies for her 12th birthday, and you've given me some excellent ideas.

  2. What a sweet box of goodies from a sweet friend! I've often thought that a fun swap of extra/unwanted/never-gonna-be-used craft supplies would be helpful in clearing out some space. But then, that space would soon be filled again, right? Have fun with your new toys!

  3. How wonderful that she thought of you for all the goodies she could not or did not want to use. What a great friend!!


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